Sunday, May 20, 2012

Life hurts, God did not promise us a life without hurt.
The more we have in our Hurt Pocket, the more it compromises us
  mentally, emotionally , spiritually and relationally!
Time does NOT heal our hurts, only light and in His Presence can heal the hurts!
 BEGIN healing the Hurt Pocket and keep it before Him until it is completely healed!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Listening to the Kari Jobe CD i got for Mothers Day! So brings me to tears! Gotta get these words deep in my heart!
What Love Is This: That you gave your life for me, and made a way for me to know you.....
FOR ME really, have realized lately, I know Jesus loves me BUT it is not really grounded in me as it should be, funny I realized this singing Jesus Loves Me with Whitney Houston after she passed away. NEED to get that down deep in me and have never a doubt again!!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

SOME REASON that Friday gives me renewed hope? Gotta figure this one out before MONDAY!!  Hmmmmm maybe this is the laugh of the Day! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Should have posted Mothers Day thoughts last night, cause today was so sad, i cant. Another life cut short another reason to wonder why, to wonder the meaning of my life and am i living out HIS will ? Could today be my last day or tomorrow? Am i living as I should? doing what I should?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

OK done feeling sorry for myself! On to reality! 
This week I had the total pleasure of hearing things about my 2 youngest that made me SO very PROUD!!!
Kayla: words from her direct supervisor: she comes in and works, stays focused doesn't take breaks and gets her work done ( this was being said in contrast to an employee who does not do this!)
JC: recvd employee of the quarter award ( first day back to work after being hurt on the job 2mos ago) for his unit, he has only been doing the job for 15 months!!They sad they were proud of him and his achievements in this short time, he could find anything( things prisoners should not have) and he was directly involved in saving 2 lives!!! SO PROUD of my babies and my buttons were busting!!!
Add this to the near weekly i see things posted by clients and coworkers of my Sweet #1 girl Doula Lesley THIS HAS MADE MY MOTHERS DAY WORTHWHILE!!!
THANK YOU JESUS for blessing me and allowing ME to be their mom!!! I am so blessed honored and humble!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mom made it to Indiana, I told her I just wanted her to be happy, she aid that is what she wanted with the few years she has left. It was sad seeing her go, feeling like I may never see her again. But it is a small sacrifice for me to let her go be where she wants and feels she will be happy. Then there is the torn feeling I feel, go visit her or my grand babies, so hard, and what about a true min vacay for me? Wow I am feeling very selfish right now.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Today May 8, 2012 new day , new chapter and starting a new blog! Although this is a scary chapter, I am excited with anticipation of what my Creator holds in store for me! Today my 91 year old mom leaves to start what I feel is her final chapter, moving across the states to Hebron, Indiana with my nephew Steve and his family. She is very excited, and who knows how truly long she has anticipated this day. The timing comes just 2 short weeks after losing our beloved Mad, "Aunt Mammie", who I know she has spent a huge part of her life with since my daddy left this earth on December 16, 1999. All I can say is God Knew the Big Picture! He still does!